I very rarely make desserts, or allow desserts in our home, because most are just too darn fattening. However, I do have to cave at times, such as when entertaining for the holidays or hosting a birthday party.
So I was thrilled when just before last Thanksgiving, my fabulous “Weight Watchers at Work” meeting leader baked and brought these bars in for us to try, and shared the ridiculously easy recipe with us. I was impressed enough with the taste and the low Points value to make these for our Ladies’ Dessert Night at church the next month (they were a hit!).
Our kids both just love Angel Food, and since lemon is a perfect summertime flavor, I plan to let the kids make a batch of these for our big extended family Father’s Day outing and dinner next month.

- 1 box Angel Food cake mix (I use whatever brand is on sale)
- 1 can (15.75 oz) lemon pie filling (my grocery store carries Comstock)
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Spray a 9×13″ baking dish with cooking spray.
- Combine cake mix and pie filling in a large bowl, and mix together well.
- Spread into greased cake pan and bake for 30 minutes, or until you can insert a toothpick to test and have it come out clean.
- Allow cake to cook completely.
- Use a butter knife to cut into desired number of bars.
- Serve bars in cupcake wrappers if you want to fancy it up.